In 2019 neighbouring schools St Teresa’s and Cranmore formed the Effingham Schools Trust partnership to create a diamond model school, a powerful and exciting educational proposition, delivering all the advantages of both single sex and co-education to girls and boys.

We are delighted that Manor House has joined the Trust from September 2023 forming a dynamic educational triumvirate.
A diamond school is, quite simply, the best of both worlds, leading to an outstanding experience.

It is an approach that not only elicits excellence from pupils, but also from teaching staff who are able to tailor their professional techniques to age, stage and gender.

Three modern, progressive schools, Cranmore, Manor House and St Teresa’s Effingham have enviable track records, delivering best practice teaching to their pupils, whilst maintaining exceptional pastoral care.

Combining these skills will provide a distinctive and distinguished education.

The new partnership will allow each school to focus on its strengths whilst retaining its individuality, presenting to all pupils an extraordinarily rich variety of shared events, facilities and resources to provide a distinctive and distinguished education for pupils of all faiths and backgrounds.

The Trust’s diamond model will offer the benefits of the co-ed classroom to very young pupils, the benefits of the single sex classroom in later prep and secondary years, before finally returning to co-education Sixth Form.

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